Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Lady of Shalott

How typical Alfred, Lord Tennyson's story is! A woman sacrifices her life for a man, and all he can think is, "Wow, she's pretty." Of course, if Lady Shalott had not been pretty, he probably wouldn't even have spared her a thought. 
 The question I have is, why did she risk it? Why does any woman risk it?

Why was Lady Shalott cursed, anyway?

Okay, so maybe that's two questions.

Read it here.


  1. The whole time I was reading this post I was thinking about Anne of Green Gables. I think that might be my very favourite scene in the first movie...and there are a LOT of good scenes.

  2. I'm so glad you were thinking the same thing I was! ^_^

    I liked that scene, too. Wait-- which one? I liked the one where they tried to act the boat part out. I didn't like the scene where she was reading it and was late and her guardian died.

    She had an excellent reading voice, though, didn't she?

  3. Yeah, I was thinking about the acting out with the boat scene, too. She did have a great reading voice. I can hear it now.

  4. And now I must say I'm glad I'm not the only one who hears voices in her head... ^_^
