Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Secrets of the Vine by Bruce Wilkinson

This book takes the first section of John 15 (the metaphor of the vine and branches) and runs with it! The author's association with a vineyard owner/vinedresser answered a lot of his questions, which he beautifully passes on to the reader. There's so much depth to the metaphor in relation to our growth in Christ and His patience in working with us throughout our lives! All I can think to say is READ IT. (It's short and great for daily devotions.)

Editing Fact and Fiction

is a wonderful book for those contemplating the publishing field! It takes you through the process a manuscript undergoes to become published, it explores all the different kinds of editing, it teaches how to edit (as much as is possible in a chapter), and it explains how to find jobs or further your education in the field. The only slight negative about it is that the book was published in 1994, and therefore, the second-to-last chapter on computers in the publishing field is highly outdated. Nonetheless, I would highly recommend the book! :)